Top 5 Art Supplies for Babies, Toddlers and Young Preschoolers!
Are you wondering how to introduce art to little-ones without the mess and less than 5 minute set-ups? Here are the "Top 5 Art Supp lies for Babies, Todd lers and Young Preschoo lers" for hours of exp loration and fun! 1. Tempera Paint Sticks These are amazing for all ages! It is a really fun and no mess way to introduce your little ones into a material more interesting than a regular crayon. I ordered these and reordered them a million times for my kiddos. Now in the studio, these are one of our younger students favorites. 2. Big interesting stickers and post-its for younger babies! You can never go wrong with stickers! Extra Tip #1: if you have a chi ld that is still learning to peel them, pee l the back of the stickers and get them as big as you can. Extra Tip #2: big post-its for babies and younger todd lers are way easier for them to hand le ! When my babies were too young for stickers, they loved experimenting with post-its. The best pa...