We live in such a beautiful area , that we make 2 - 6 hour road trips a l l year long. L ast year we had to make a 12 hour trip, due to a fami ly emergency. We debated for a long time if we shou ld put our kids throw such a long drive, but what they got out of it was so worth the trave ls and we are so g lad we did it. Before I describe the activities, I want to remind you of a few things: 1. Mindset is everything! Road trips can get hard. Sometimes, everything can go wrong and a 3 hour trip can turn into 11 hours (just happened to us last week). I a lways te l l my kiddos: "we are a team, we are here for each other, we he lp each other and work together"! Do not expect chi ldren to sit sti l l for severa l hours. Schedu le long stops to stretch and run around and short stops for poddy break. Remember to enjoy the ride and the time together, instead of looking at the clock. 2. Do yourse lf a favor and leave sugary snacks for when you arrived t...